Sunday, March 23, 2014

New Sandwiches 3/24

New Sandwiches 3/24

What came off/changed: Pork Belly (changed), Chicken Parmesean, Cuban, Proscuitto

  1. Meatball Sandwich
    1. Served with ricotta, tomato sauce, bone barrow, and basil on ciabatta.
    2. Meatballs are the same as Red Sauce Sunday. They are made with pork and beef. Meatballs can never be made without dairy or gluten.
    3. The bone marrow is in the tomato sauce.
    4. Allergies: gluten, dairy
  2. Pork Belly Sanwich
    1. Served with Asparagus, Parmesan, Sunnyside up egg on ciabatta.
    2. The pork belly is confit’d.
    3. The parmesan is blended with olive oil to make a dressing. Asparagus is tossed in this dressing.
    4. Allergies: gluten*, dairy*, egg*
  3. French Melt
    1. Served with pate, gruyere, SP pickles & mustard on ciabatta.
    2. The sandwich is pressed. It can never be made without dairy or gluten.
    3. Gruyere is a hard alpine cow’s milk cheese, similar to swiss.
    4. Pate is ground pork shoulder with the addition of coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.  Onions and garlic are ground up and added to the mix as well.  A panade ( apple brandy, heavy cream, egg, flour ) is introduced to give the pate a smoother texture.  Therefore, the pate is not gluten or dairy free. The mixture is then wrapped in Benton’s bacon and cooked.
    5. Allergies: gluten, dairy
  4. Smoked Turkey Sandwich
    1. Served with cloumage, pea tendrils, and calabrian chili on ciabatta.
    2. Cloumage is a fresh, soft cow’s milk cheese from Shy Brothers Farm in Westport, MA.
    3. Calabrian chilis are pureed.
    4. The pea tendrils are served two ways.
      1. Pea tendril pesto made with pine nuts and parmesan oil.
      2. Pea tendril salad tossed with lemon and olive oil.
    5. Allergies: gluten*, dairy*, nuts*

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