Saturday, June 1, 2013

policies and procedures 6/1/13

Policies & Procedures

Uniforms and Hygiene

Your uniform includes an apron, at least three click pens, wine key, small notebook, and a lighter.  Your clothing should be clean and free of wrinkles and tears.  You are required to wear an undershirt (camisole is acceptable for women) underneath your uniform. No overly snug fitting attire is to be worn. Uniforms and specific standards will be presented during training.

Personal hygiene is very important.  We are in the food service industry.  The way that we groom ourselves is a direct reflection on the way we clean and present The Salty Pig.  We should always be clean and free of odors.  Please refrain from wearing cologne or perfume at work.  Fingernails should be trimmed and clean or neatly manicured.  Please wear your hair neatly styled and if it is longer than chin length, please pull it back or wear it up.

Time and Attendance

Please show up for work dressed in the appropriate uniform and ready to serve our guests at the time that you are scheduled.  If you arrive early and clock-in early, your clock-in time will be adjusted to reflect your scheduled in-time.  If you are running a few minutes behind schedule, please contact the MOD by telephone BEFORE you are late. 

The manager will post a weekly schedule in the designated area.  It is your responsibility to know what shifts you have been assigned.  Schedules are subject to change.  Any effected parties will be contacted by telephone. 

If you know in advance that you won’t be able to work a shift you must:

·         Find your own replacement

·         Notify a manager verbally of your replacement

Any employee who does not report to work for an assigned shift and does not contact his/her supervisor to inform The Salty Pig of his/her absence will be considered a no call/no show, and be considered to have voluntarily resigned from The Salty Pig.

If you are unexpectedly unavailable to work a shift:

·         You must contact a manager as soon as possible prior to the beginning of that shift

·         Try to find your own replacement


Extended Absence:

·         Upon returning to work after an extended absence, you must provide documentation of absence (i.e. a doctor’s note)

·         Management maintains final determination on continuing your employment following an extended absence

If you have schedule requests they must be presented two weeks before that date to the manager responsible for writing that schedule.  Please provide the request in writing via email, as well as writing it on the Request Time Off calendar.

Worker at Will/Giving Notice

All employees are workers at will.  All new employees are on probation for the first sixty days of their employment with us, during which time we reserve the right to terminate with or without documented cause.  Infractions such as assault, theft, violation of Alcohol and Drug Policy, or gross insubordination are grounds for immediate dismissal.  Infractions violating other policies of The Salty Pig will be documented in employee files.

When you feel that your employment at The Salty Pig is coming to a close, you must notify a manager two weeks before your desired end date.  Please do so verbally as well as in writing, email is acceptable.

Alcohol and Drugs

The Salty Pig’s policy is as follows:

Any employee found in possession of, using, selling, trading, or offering for sale illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, during work hours or on work premises will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.  Substance abuse includes manufacturing, possession, use, purchase or sale of drugs on the company premises.  It also includes reporting to work under the influence of drugs/alcohol.  Employees will be expected to submit to random urine or hair follicle drug testing if a manager suspects the employee to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  Refusal of these tests is grounds for dismissal. 

If you would like to come into The Salty Pig to dine and/or enjoy drinks at the bar, you may do so with a Manager’s approval.  You may not hang out at the restaurant after you have finished your shift.  Shift Drinks consist of one beer/glass of wine for Closers that are still working when all guests have departed and the doors are locked.  This will be strictly enforced.  Anyone abusing this privilege will be reprimanded and will lose the privilege of a Shift Drink.

Progressive Discipline

The following are the steps of the Progressive Discipline Policy at The Salty Pig:

·         Verbal warning of a problem that exists and needs to corrected

·         Written warning to document a problem that has been identified and needs to be corrected

·         A suspension can be issued after a written warning if a policy has been neglected and can result in suspension for any amount of days

·         Termination consists of the permanent discharge of an employee

The steps of the Progressive Discipline Policy serve as general guidelines and are not mandatory.  There are varying degrees of severity which pertain to underperformance and/or infractions of policies.  There are certain instances where conduct and/or underperformance are so severe that immediate termination with or without prior warning or consultation may be the justified course of action.

Cell Phone Policy

Cell phones must be turned off at the beginning of your shift.  Cell phone use while on-shift at The Salty Pig is prohibited.  Anyone caught using their cell-phone without managerial permission is subject to a written warning.  Repeated infractions can result in loss of shifts or suspension.

Smoking Policy

Staff smoking is not permitted during the hours of 11am-2pm as well as 5pm -10pm.  You are required to ask a manager for permission and use discretion while taking a break.  Smoking should be done out of view from our guests as well as our would-be guests.  Wash hands thoroughly immediately upon returning to work.

Dining at The Salty Pig Policy

We encourage all staff to come in on their days off to try things from the menu. Employees who wish to come in on their days off must call ahead and ask the BOH or FOH manager on duty if it is ok to come in. If  a manager approves the request, the employee and their guest will receive 20% of their total bill. This discount does not extend to large groups. Though an employee dining with us is not on the clock, they must conduct themselves respectfully and appropriately.

Equal Opportunity Employer

The Salty Pig is an equal opportunity employer, and hires employees in accordance with Federal Equal Opportunity Employment and Discrimination Laws.  These laws prohibit employment discrimination based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age, disability, and prohibit retaliation for opposing job discrimination, filing a charge, or participating in proceedings under these laws.  If any employee feels that they are being, or have been discriminated against, it should be brought to a manager’s attention immediately.

Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment will not be tolerated.  The management will follow the proper procedures once a sexual harassment compliant is filed.

Sexual harassment of an employee and retaliation against an employee for filing a sexual harassment complaint is unlawful.

The Salty Pig is committed to enforcing the requirements of the law(s) with respect to sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment consists of any verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature imposed on the basis of sex by the offender.  Sexual harassment may include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other forms of verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.  The Salty Pig condemns all unwelcome behavior or a sexual nature, which is either designed to extort sexual favors from employees as a term or condition of employment or for the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment for employees.

Sexual harassment does not refer to behavior of occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature.  It refers to behavior that is not welcome, that is personally offensive, that fails to respect the rights of others, that lowers moral and that, therefore, interferes with employee’s productivity.  Sexual harassment may take different forms. 

Forms of sexual harassment include but are not limited to:

Verbal: Sexual innuendoes, suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual nature, sexual propositions, threats, sexual favors, questions about a person’s sexual practices, sexually explicit jokes, lewd comments, sexual insults.

Non-Verbal: Sexually suggestive objects or pictures, graphic commentaries, suggestive or insulting sounds, leering, whistling, obscene gestures, crude cartoons.

Physical: Unwanted physical contact, including touching, pinching, coerced sexual intercourse, assault, cornering, kissing, fondling.

Any employee who believes that the actions or words of a supervisor of fellow employee constitute sexual harassment has a responsibility to report this and make a formal complaint as soon as possible to his/her immediate supervisor.

If the employee alleges the employee’s immediate supervisor committed the harassment, the report or complaint should be directed to the General Manager.  If the employee’s complaint is against the General Manager, then they should direct their reporting to the Principal/Owner.

All complaints of harassment will be investigated and resolved in an impartial and confidential manner.  In all cases, the employee against whom a complaint has been lodged will be advised of the findings and conclusions.  The Complainant shall be advised of the outcome, where appropriate.

Appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken against any employee who violates this policy against sexual harassment.  Based on the seriousness of the offense, disciplinary actions include verbal and written reprimand, warning, suspension or termination.  Retaliation against an employee who makes a report or complaint will not be tolerated and will be subject to the same type of discipline as the harassment itself.

Given the nature of this type of discrimination, The Salty Pig recognizes that false accusations of sexual harassment can have serious effects on innocent women and men.  Allegations found to be without substance shall be expunged from the records of all employees involved in the allegation.  We trust that all members of our staff will continue to act responsibly to establish a pleasant working environment free of discrimination, understanding that every emplo9yee is responsible for their own actions, and this specific matter DOES NOT act of the behalf of the restaurant.  We encourage any staff to raise questions he/she may have regarding discrimination.

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