2011 Ansgar Clüsserath Von Schiefer Trocken Riesling $11/40
Hailing from one of the prized wine regions in Germany, the Mosel, Eva Clüsserath is a young winemaker in her 30’s and a graduate from the famous oenology schools in the Rheingau. The vineyard has been in her family since it’s formation in 1670 and was most recently run by Eva’s father.
Clüsserath’s wine practice largely follows the beliefs of biodynamic winemaking. The grapes are all picked by hand and fermentation is natural and spontaneous. The practice of natural fermentation is one that requires time and the potential for loss. While forced fermentation can happen in 7 days, natural fermentation can take 3-6 months and has a greater chance for product loss due to mold. Once the wines ferment they remain on the Lyees and than are filtered once before bottling. All of her wines are required to rest in bottle for a minimum of 1 year before being sold.
This slate soil grown riesling is of trocken weight which means it is the dryest style of riesling in the German growing system. The grapes of this wine are sourced from three separate sites to make this crisp, refreshing wine. These steep sites are prone to a lot of sunlight during the daytime and cool nights. Slatey soil is rocky and holds heat well as well as imparts minerals well into the wine.
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